2020 End of the Year Challenge
During my quiet time with my Father this morning I was asking for insight into this next season and direction personally and corporately. I began to look back at this last year and mediate on the changes, the positives, negatives and what I felt may have gotten me off course. This has for sure been a year of learning to humble myself and lay it all down at His feet in order to truly be used for His kingdom purpose.
There is a verse in John 3:30 that says “He must increase and I must decrease.” this has been my year and I wouldn’t trade any part of it honestly. Paul was a man who knew what it meant to truly become smaller so He could become everything! For the Church to truly change, man must become nothing as Jesus Christ becomes our everything.
In Phil. 3 Paul is talking about laying it all down to attain the life Jesus died for him to live. He speaks about everything “man” brags about accomplishing is nothing compared to the kingdom.
Philippians 3:8 (NASB) More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ...
As I was reading this and seeking God, I began to hear these questions:
“What is the one thing you want to be remembered by and/or attain by the end of your life?”
“Is what you are doing ‘now’ driving you straight forward or sending you down a curving road?”
“Do you want to be known as the person who built their own reputation, always seeking places of honor?” (Paul attempted this in his early life and found himself down the path of religious law actually persecuting the church)
These are worth pondering as we enter into 202ONE - is our focus on the presence of Jesus Christ and building His kingdom or is it on the reputation we’ve made and our own platform?
Luke 14:10-11 Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, those who humble themselves will be exalted...
I want to challenge you to get quiet with the Holy Spirit and ask yourself these questions. As you answer them ... set new goals to attain the answer to the first!
“We only have one life on this earth to be His vessel of use! Let’s do it right! ”