Yishaq Arise

The Isaac Breed: God’s Promise to His people!

“They will restore and established kingdom government (5-fold). Be vessel’s of restoration, living in a place where even in the testing and trials, their faith is still in Yahweh because they know that nothing is impossible with Him. They will be a people of kingdom responsibility with a duty to rebuild the old ruins of our broken society

and economic structures. They will be a people who do NOT turn from their covenant with God in order to please man, they will be a people who walk in consecration spreading true revival everywhere they step.”

September of 2024 I began seeking God through prayer and fasting about this year, 2025.

During the last months I’ve heard many times in my spirit, “Ishmael ministries will come to an end and Isaac’s will rise by the end of 2025”. When the Spirit of the Lord speaks, I lean in and ask for understanding and He gave me just that.  

I believe this is going to be a year that we will begin to see God restore and revive His people. I want to say that again… “He will restore and revive HIS people”. We will see this beyond a 4-walled church fellowship, we will see this in the Bride of Christ, the Temple of God – HIS PEOPLE.

As I continued to pray into this powerful word, He reminded me of His Word in Revelation 3, which we will break down in this prophetic word, and how in this passage you can see the Ishmael church and the Isaac church. He’s been so clear with me that this is the year the Isaac’s will stand, and all the rest will fall. To understand this further, we need to understand the difference between the two.

Ishmaels are those who heard a Word from God but chose to fulfill that Word their way without God.

Ishmael’s are conceived out from under God’s covenant in darkness and selfishness, they are man’s plans, not God’s. Ishmaels are those who heard a Word from God but chose to fulfill that Word their way without God. They have no anointing because they no longer fear God, instead they fear man and place their loyalty to the gods of this world “greed and self”. They are unsteady and double minded, flighty, function under a false covenant with God, and they have a slavery/works mentality instead of true sonship. They are deceptive through teaching by twisting in just enough truth to make the lie seem accurate, therefore leading many away from the fullness of Truth and because of this, they have left a wake of destruction, brokenness and bleeding. The Ishmael leaders are fatherless and prefer to be independent of oversight therefore they can be nomadic spiritually – always looking for the next thing to follow because there is no solidity in their own lives. When God was speaking to Hagar about Ishmael, He said, “He will be a wild donkey of a man”…

When I look at the church of Sardis in Revelation 3, I see the Ishmael church…

“I see right through your work. You have a reputation for vigor and zest, but you’re dead, stone-dead. Up on your feet! Take a deep breath! Maybe there’s life in you yet. But I wouldn’t know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God’s work has been completed. Your condition is desperate. Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears—grasp it again and turn back to God. If you pull the covers back over your head and sleep on, oblivious to God, I’ll return when you least expect it, break into your life like a thief in the night.”

They are working, working, working, but bearing no fruit. They started off with a vision from God but never finished what HE said to start…. They found their own things to do. Wikipedia says the church of Sardis was one that never finished what was started, they were too concerned about image and not substance. This is a nomad spirit. It’s time to wake up and shake it off through the power of Holy Spirit!

Holy Spirit says, “I am done with those who make their own plans and call them Mine. This will be the last year of My grace being poured out for the Ishmael driven ‘churches’ and people to repent of their plans and lay them down on the altar so they can finally die to me and be raised by My mighty right hand MY way. Those who choose to keep their Ishmael will fail publicly and come to a complete end unless they repent.”

Not only is He going to expose the Ishmael driven churches, but He will also expose the Ishmael spirit within the government, schools, media, etc. It’s a year of exposure.

Isaac’s will look different, sound different, carry themselves different, understand covenant differently.

Isaac was born under the covenant of God and on the 8th day, he entered a covenant with God through circumcision. Isaac was the promise of God to his parent’s. They will look different, sound different, carry themselves different, understand covenant differently. Isaac’s are full of joy and laughter, they ARE God’s covenant promise to mankind, they understand sonship and TRUE spiritual parenting is vital to them for their growth and sustainability, they are truly covered by spiritual parent’s who guide them, discipline them, teach them and Isaac’s respect them as we are commanded to respect those in authority over us. Isaac’s are truly blessed by God to multiply. It is through Isaac ministries that the descendants of God are birthed – Isaac fathered Jacob, Israel, a man who became, after some trials, a man willing to wrestle with God in order to get a new name, a faith filled man, righteous, authentic and one who knew God for himself. Isaac’s will carry the fear of the Lord, a people willing to lay on the altar of sacrifice, trusting God to raise them back up. They will also raise up the next generation of culture changers who fear the Lord.

When I began to study Isaac’s name in Hebrew, I realized that all Hebraic names have biblical numerology written within them. Isaac is Yishaq meaning the fulfillment of the promise of joy. This will be a year JOY is restored to His Bride and our land.

Let’s break down his name to see what Holy Spirit is telling us for this year…

Yod = 10 – This is the biblical number of “law and order” – government, restoration, trials, testing and responsibility

Sade = 90 – Miracle birth (Sarah was 90 when she gave birth to Isaac) – this is symbolic that with God nothing is impossible.

Cheth = 8 – new birth/beginning, covenant and consecration, REVIVAL

Qop = 100 – children of promise, maturity, holiness and growth cycles. And wouldn’t you know, it even means election.

Added together to complete Yishaq = 208 (Aravah) meaning multiply or many.

When we look at the Hebraic context of Isaac’s name, we can truly see a picture of the Body that is rising up starting NOW… It will be one with established kingdom government (5-fold), a place of restoration, a place where even in the testing and trials, their faith is still in Yahweh because they know that nothing is impossible with Him. They will be a people of kingdom responsibility with a duty to rebuild the old ruins of our broken society and economic structures. They will be a people who do NOT turn from their covenant with God in order to please man, they will be a people who walk in consecration spreading true revival everywhere they step. For many this will be something so very knew, it’s a pioneering season – the season of new beginnings – DO NOT LOOK BACK TO THE OLD, He is doing what has yet to be seen by the last several generations. Those rising up this year are His covenant children of promise, maturity and holiness. They will understand so clearly their mandate of kingdom multiplication. They will not be about the crowds for fame, they will be about the ones at the well whose influence will reach places they can’t.

“I have aligned this election year to open a door of grace for My body to turn from their own ways and turn back to Me. This year will be a year of maturing and growth cycles in those who are willing to hear and obey what My Spirit is saying. It is time to lay down your man-made platforms, ministries, positions in and out of the Church… the results of chasing YOUR visions and dreams and not Mine… IT IS TIME! IT STARTS NOW! NO MORE will I tolerate the ways of Babylon in MY TEMPLE! Over the next 6 months you will see My Isaac’s coming out from the wilderness places. They WILL remove the idolatry in My temple. They WILL restore MY covenant and plans back into the land. They WILL revive all that has been left broken and desolate.” Says the Lord our God.

Let’s finish Revelation 3:

“You still have a few followers of Jesus in Sardis who haven’t ruined themselves wallowing in the muck of the world’s ways. They’ll walk with me on parade! They’ve proved their worth! Conquerors will march in the victory parade, their names indelible in the Book of Life. I’ll lead them up and present them by name to my Father and his Angels. Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.”

This is the Yishaq breed that is coming up out of hiding!! Let them ARISE!!!

... Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise.
— Galatians 4:28


Tongues of Fire!