The Repen’dance’
"Therefore speak to them and tell them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Any man of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, puts right before his face the stumbling block of his iniquity, and [then] comes to the prophet, I the LORD will be brought to give him an answer in the matter in view of the multitude of his idols, in order to lay hold
of the hearts of the house of Israel who are estranged from Me through all their idols. Therefore say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Repent and turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations. For anyone of the house of Israel or of the immigrants who stay in Israel who separates himself from Me, sets up his idols in his heart, puts right before his face the stumbling block of his iniquity, and [then] comes to the prophet to inquire of Me for himself, I the LORD will be brought to answer him in My own person. I will set My face against that man and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from among My people. So you will know that I am the LORD.”
We are in a spiritual season of major clean up in the body of Christ. In 2020 I published my second book, Roar of Revival – Awakening the Bride. It was a book written through much time listening to Holy Spirit and where the Church has been and what He’s doing. He is awakening His Bride! She’s been asleep long enough and this world is suffering because of it.
As I set back and listen to many other prophetic voices, I’m beginning to hear from their mouths what He was showing me then. It’s pretty amazing but also alarming because the time is NOW!
Why? Because everything happening in the world around us is causing the harvest to become very ripe, there is a harvest of souls out there that are searching for truth and if we, as the church, do not start listening to what the Spirit is saying, the harvest is going to be lost. There isn’t a governmental program to help with this kind of lost harvest like there is for those whose crops are lost because of storms and such… these are souls that will be lost for ETERNITY! Come on Church… wake up and get out of your comfortable pews and chairs, get off your self-built platforms, stop dancing with sin and repent! The time is NOW!
This last week our prayer team was meeting for a time of prayer and training. When we came back together to discuss what we heard there were words like forgiveness, Ezekiel 14:4-8 – leading to repent and turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations – a call to repentance, let go of ‘self’, and several other things. As we mapped this out, we realized what the Spirit of God is saying to His Church… the time is NOW! It’s time to repent! There’s unforgiveness, idols, rebellion, division, abominations and too much flesh driven platforms in the camp! God is done with His bride dancing with sin instead of Him and He is giving His Church a chance to repent before He turns His face…
The Holy Spirit began to show me that His Bride enjoys this thing called “The Rependance”. It started off as someone helping me remember that it’s spelled ‘repentance not repentence’ but it sparked something in me that I can’t get off my mind. This morning I was looking up the roots of repentance in the Word..
Repentance – Metanoia
· Meta – denotes accompaniment, ‘amid’ – in the midst
· Noeo – to exercise the mind, perceive, think, understand..
When we do not stop and truly repent – completely change our mindset from the sinful lifestyle, we continue on this journey with the sin. We allow the sin to become an ‘accompaniment’ in our lives, we allow it to stay in the midst of our lives. We dance daily with unforgiveness, rebellion, pride, self-agenda and self-platform. We draw close to our idols, holding them closer than God Himself and we lovingly dance with them as they accompany our every move. We dance with the lies of rejection, depression, anxiety, addiction and so much more – they become the god we turn to!
The Church has stopped exercising the mind with the accompaniment of the Word of God, they stopped perceiving The Truth and replaced it with the counterfeit of the enemy, they no longer understands what sin is because one, they are no longer in the word for themselves allowing it to be their mirror of judgement and two, so many behind the pulpit are more concerned about not offending the sin in the congregation that they do not preach The Truth, calling sin sin and calling it out in the Bride! The time is NOW!
A few of the other things that came out of our prayer night was this…
God wants hearts that are truly in tune with His. You can not be dancing with sin and also be one with His heart. He is looking at us saying, “all I want is you” and we are allowing our eyes to roam into the things that appease the flesh. We say all we want is Him, but we won’t even make eye contact with Him. Many much more enjoy the rependance instead of looking into his eyes with a heart of repentance.
In the Hebrew repent is to be sorry, to lament, to grieve. When was the last time you truly grieved over something you did wrong knowingly? What about unknowingly, yet Holy Spirit revealed it to you in order to repent? Why are we no longer grieving over our sin? Because we don’t even know what sin is anymore and what we do know as sin has been chalked off with greasy grace. Many will say, “I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex outside of marriage or fall into any other sexual immorality,” But what about gossip? What about moral and emotional immorality? What about believing and living in the lies of the enemy and not believing what God says about us? What about disobedience to the Father when He gives you a direction? That’s nothing to blow off! What about choosing to walk in unforgiveness towards others? I know, we make up every excuse and believe God has our backs… but unforgiveness is unforgiveness, He will never have our back with sin! He will be there with His grace when we finally realize how wrong we were and truly grieve that sin and change our mindset.
The call for repentance is a call to become one with God, to truly be in sync, in tune with His heartbeat. We have a mission to complete on this earth and that is discipling nations, not just those who walk into our doors on a Sunday morning. Becoming one with God, walking hand in hand with Him keeping a heart of repentance will spark a revival within us as individuals, life transformation is inevitable and as this happens within us, our hearts for this world and the lost begin to change. We become a walking, talking testimony of God’s love and grace and the fullness of the kingdom – Jesus Christ, then life transformation becomes a trail of revival that we leave behind us like a river flowing straight from the throne room of heaven on this earth!
Church, the time is NOW! Will you continue with your rependance with your sin, or will you step into a place of true repentance with the Father and let the grief of the sin teach you a lesson and let His consuming fire burn away the dross so that you can grab Him by the hand and GO be about His mandate, not yours?
There is no other God like Him! He is the ONLY God to be worshiped! He is the secure foundation our lives are to be built upon.
The time is NOW. You choose this day whom you will serve.