A Moral Reformation
[2Pe 1:2-8 NASB95] “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of [the] divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in [your] moral excellence, knowledge, and in [your] knowledge, self-control, and in [your] self-control, perseverance, and in [your] perseverance, godliness, and in [your] godliness, brotherly kindness, and in [your] brotherly kindness, love. For if these [qualities] are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you see what God is doing? He is doing a new thing! He is awakening His Bride to true revival. He is inviting us to become one with Him, to be imitators of Him! … Jesus never went looking for revival because it’s not a ‘thing’. He brought it with Him because it’s a part of His character. He never went looking for healing. He healed. He didn’t wait until there were enough supplies before He gathered the people. He just blessed what He had, and there was plenty. In plain English, revival is us imitating Jesus Christ, who imitated our Father. … You see, in this awakening, He is making us aware of our purpose and His heart. – (Roar of Revival, 2020, pp. 48-49)
Revival is a term so very misused today, many use it just to get a good crowd to show up, many use it just because a good crowd showed up, and some use it because they truly understand what it is.
Revival means to revive something that was once alive – to bring back to life, or awaken. An awakening/revival isn’t a meeting under a tent… but it can happen in a meeting under a tent! It can happen in a hospital room, in a store, in the depths of your secret place, in a quiet, small Church gathering – it can happen anywhere with one or with thousands. I believe we see revival in lives of people every single day – salvation is a reviving from death to life in Christ, healings revive a realness and love of God in those healed, as many are in their secret place God is taking time with them sparking back to life the things brokenness, loss or more has killed… it happens all the time – it’s life transformation. But there are times God needs something done throughout the earth and those are the times we see Him work through one or two people to spark the masses into His new move. The cool thing about God is it seems that He revives His corporate Body in waves – through every great awakening there has been a new move of God in the land and that’s what we are seeing now. We are seeing a wave of true repentance, and when we surrender to His Spirit in this way – the walls sin has built around us are removed, hearts are turned from stone to flesh, the truth is illuminated, and we rediscover our access to the throne of God. TRUE Repentance before God starts us on a path of true transformation and in that transformation His kingdom morals and absolute truths become established in our lives.
“Ready or not, here I come!”
When I was writing the book Roar of Revival, for months I kept hearing “ready or not, here I come.” As I leaned into this through months of prayer and journaling what I heard, the book was birthed. At that point in my life, I was, in my human mind, believing as I wrote that we were about to see a massive explosion of His power and authority released back into the Body of Christ – yet as I wrote Holy Spirits heart was on holiness, purity, humility and His character. It was on understanding the character of Christ and walking in the fullness of it. This is the pre-requisite to walking in the fullness of Jesus – before we can truly walk in the power and authority of Him, we must walk as Him in all His character. What He was saying was “I am coming in a new wave – whether you are ready or not! I am coming! If you are ready, you will recognize what I’m doing, if you aren’t you will miss it!” Oh, I did not want to miss it!
On October 20, 2022, I was asking God what was wrong with the Church, why do so many claim to be ‘Christians’ yet they stand with the world and vote completely against the His morals. He said back to me, “the Church doesn’t know the morals to filter their votes through because they don’t live by them themselves.” This really struck me, maybe even shocked me. I had never really thought of that before but the revelation was sobering, it lit a fire in my belly to see the Church again walk in kingdom morals.
Over the last few weeks Holy Spirit has had me going back through Roar of Revival and is showing me His purpose in the writing – the entire book is a call to awaken to the character of Jesus Christ – kingdom morality.
We live in a world that doesn’t believe in moral absolute truths – even in the church – and that is about to change. As we know with every revival there is a reformation – a change that takes place. In 2020 true revival hit the Church around the world. With covid the enemy meant to bring destruction and silence the Church, but God used his attempt as a springboard to shake the very foundations of the Church and an awakening from the slumber began. Some have climbed out of the bed and some threw the covers over their head and are still attempting to do it on their own – I pray that they truly awaken before they fall.
Yesterday morning as I was in prayer Holy Spirit began to show me what He is doing. I believe with all that is in me, this is what I heard the Spirit saying – “ I am awakening this generation to the moral absolute Truth.” This truth is only found in God, it can only be discovered through a heart that is yielded to Him. There was a generation that lost their moral compass by taking their eyes off of Jesus Christ. The last two generations are the ripple effect of that loss, that drift. In and out of the Church hearts have hardened, humility has been lost; pride has driven and self is the god of the day. It is time to hear what the Spirit is saying. It is time to prepare ourselves in the knowledge and revelation of the Truth, applying these moral absolute kingdom truths to our daily lives.
"All of the ‘big’ things being done in the wrong character is hypocrisy toward the kingdom of God.”
You see, signs, wonders and miracles happen every day. His Spirit is poured out on those who ask, the Church is learning about authority – this was awakened during the 80’s-90’s through the voice of Kenneth E Hagin and many more. We do not need a revival of more of these things – they’ve been revived, we simply need the revelation in us to walk them out. What we need is a revival of kingdom morals – all of the ‘big’ things being done in the wrong character is hypocrisy toward the kingdom of God. How on earth do we change a world through signs, wonders and miracles, claiming our authority and dominion yet we refuse to be a people of LOVE… a people who know that they are absolutely nothing without Jesus (poor in spirit), a people who walk in meekness and mercy… a people who refuse to keep the peace because of fear of man but fear God above all else and walk as peaceMAKERS… a people who hunger and thirst for the absolute truth which is only found in the Word of God… a people who walk with hearts that are pure before God and not out chasing their own fleshly desires… a people who face persecution, insults and hate with love… a people who seek FIRST the kingdom of God… a people of humility… a people who let God deal with them in the secret place so that when they hold others accountable according to the scriptures – the plank is out of their own eye and they can assist their brother/sister in removing the plank from their eye in love, grace and mercy… a people who stand for the sanctity of life… the list could go on and on because the Word is packed full of kingdom morals that His Church are to live by – without kingdom morality and absolute truth, the rest just becomes a show to impress the masses and build a self-glorifying kingdom on a foundation of sand.
You want to see change in our families, communities, cities, states, nation and the world – then WAKE UP and see what He is doing! Ask Him to revive YOU through Him! You don’t have to go to a big meeting to find it… go to your secret place and take a hand in hand journey with God! This is an awakening of what has been lying dormant in you since the day of your salvation… cultivate it with Him… let Him revive you and transform you!
Father…. Let it be! Awaken us back to kingdom morality and absolute truths of Your Word. Shake us, shock us, revive us!
Matthew 5-7 – This is a message straight from the mouth of Jesus that lays the foundation of kingdom morality!
Works Cited
Klassen, S. (2020). Roar of Revival.